01 November 2009

Time: 9:01am
What: 20 minutes seated meditation / metta meditation
Focus: Third Foundation / Exercises 9 - 12 (Ana-)

Chose to practice loving-kindness meditation. Girlfriend sitting at the same time. Puppy curled up in her lap. Cat playing with its toy. Noticed how the mind can simultaneously be repeating a phrase while another part of the mind wanders away. Awareness of phrases faded in and out. Moments where it was rhythmic repetition. Moments where it was heartfelt.

May I be happy. May I be at ease. May I be free from suffering.

Interesting to be repeating these particular phrases amongst insecurity and (just a wee bit of) sadness or depression. Had a moment of dropping the sadness and opening to a feeling of peace. Had other moments of feeling silly... of feeling fraudulent.

Thoughts that came up while sitting included planning classes, playlists, day, reviewing the evening prior, conversations... Eyes wandered a couple times to commotion nearby. Gently returning to soft gaze on the floor.

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