03 November 2009

Time: 7:46am
What: 45 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Third Foundation / Exercises 13 - 15 (Sati-)

Decided to do a longer practice, since I had woken up earlier and had the extra time. Puppy was placed in her kennel for practice. Moments of loud puppy noises and howling, mixed with moments of quiet and peace. Interesting to observe the internal reaction to the difficulty of a posture blended with the external sounds of puppy. Gritting teeth, holding breath. Brought awareness to the experience and softened into being present with the sounds, with the postures, without it needing to be different.

For seated practice, puppy was allowed out of her kennel. Cats, gf, puppy walking through field of vision. Puppy pushing her food dish around the floor and chewing on it. Flopping down here and there. Smile came to my face. Body soft. Continuing to be present with whatever sound, mental formations, and present-time experience unfolds. Happy to be.

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