06 November 2009


Time: 9:11am
What: 20 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Third Foundation / Exercises 13 - 15 (Sati-)

Practiced Yin postures in preparation for teaching. Loving-kindness meditation for seated practice. Girlfriend distracting the puppy.

Have found that puppy discipline as bell of mindfulness has changed the relationship to the constant chewing, etc. Feeling less overwhelmed and more able to understand.

I've also noticed a shortness in fuse and irritation with people out and about (subway, stores, etc). Wonder how doing a regular mindfulness practice and loving-kindness meditation can be paired with crankiness in the rest of the day. To be investigated further...

1 comment:

Mindfulness111 said...

I agree. I think a mindfulness practice could be very helpful in terms of managing anger.