10 November 2009

Time: 8:03am
What: 25 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Third Foundation / Exercises 13 - 15 (Sati-)

Puppy in time-out (kennel training) during asana practice. Moment of howling for attention, which inspired a response of tension in the body. Otherwise, practice was quiet and peaceful. Noticed a distinct aversion towards a particularly long lunge sequence. Wonder about the line between working with aversion and respecting the body's "line drawn in the sand".

Seated practice was a lil' bit of a circus. Intention to practice loving-kindness meditation. Alarm set for 20 minutes. Began by noticing the breath, the body, the mental formations. Aware of the ambient noise. Puppy - now out of the kennel - chewing on fingers, meditation blanket, pant leg. Take a breath. Discipline puppy. Chaos continues. Pick up water gun (tool for discouraging cats and puppy from doing "fill in the blank") and spray puppy. Puppy stops... momentarily. Other alarm goes off... radio playing. Puppy chewing. Radio playing. Noticing breath....

The end. Chose to get up off the cushion and attend to the situation at hand. Find toy for puppy. Turn radio off. Start getting ready for the day.


Side note: I found a website called Dharma Seed that hosts talks in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. It includes a 46 part series on the Satipatthana Sutta with Joseph Goldstein. You can find it here.

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