06 December 2009

Time: 4:08pm
What: 1-hour asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 16 - 20 (Sati-)

Haven't seen a yoga mat or a meditation cushion in what feels like days. Life has been a blend of vet visits, vet bills, force feeding a sick cat, distributing medication, cleaning up cat urine (b/c he can only pee on himself), keeping a puppy entertained and/or listening to her yelp and whine when we pay more attention to the cat. Extra stress level has meant a dirty home and tension between me and the wife. Been feeling a short fuse and a bit of depression.

Practice today felt like wiping the slate clean, in a way. Heavy sad and overwhelmed feeling dissipated as I moved through an active vinyasa practice. Feeling the body in its tightness and resistance. Feeling the breath. Sat with eyes closed since it was already dark out and the lights weren't on yet. Awareness of sound, thought, internal experience heightened.

Finished reading Exercises 16 - 20 in Transformation & Healing (a little late, I know). Feel the need to review the material again, perhaps listen to a lecture or something. Wish I had realized I was behind schedule sooner than later. Need to spend time on integrating and understanding the new information...

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