Time: 8:20am
What: 25 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 16 - 20 (Sati-)
Feels good to be back on routine. Wake-up. Socks, sweater, rubber boots, tuque, coat. Walk the dog. Make the coffee. Feed the pets - cat, puppy, sick cat. Clean the house a little. Drink the coffee and eat some peanut butter toast. Roll out the mat and practice. Sit on the cushion and be quiet.
Doing a more vigorous asana practice. Get things moving. Have been doing more of a restorative/yin practice lately and the body is feeling dull and sluggish. Good to get the blood circulating and the body sweating.
Sitting involved barking puppy (had to get up and demonstrate dominance to quiet her - go Dog Whisperer!), thoughts about work, some tap dripping, and NO LOOKING AT THE CLOCK!!
Contemplated (briefly) how fine the details are that the Buddha is asking us to bring to awareness. Not so difficult to notice something once it has arisen. Definitely more difficult - or perhaps subtle is a better description - to notice the ending or fading away of something. Generally the mind is distracted by the next thing to arise. Just a few musings from the cushion of Nicole...
1 comment:
Ah, sounds like 'the full catastrophe' (and I do not mean to pun on the word 'cat!')
May all of you, cat, puppy, wife be free from duhkha.
frank jude
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