09 December 2009

Time: 8:34am
What: 25 minutes asana / 20 minutes metta meditation
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 16 - 20 (Sati-)

Found out that my Mom is reading my blog (Hi, Mom!). Really, I thought that Frank and sometimes Sandi were the only people reading this thing. Ha ha. Don't be afraid to comment sometime (Mom) - let me know you're out there!

Learned yesterday - after practicing and blogging - that loving-kindness is the antidote for the condemning mind. Found some humour in that. Listened to Joseph Goldstein describe in great detail the ins and outs of aversion, felt aversion towards metta meditation, discussed aversion in the blog, and then listened to more discussion on aversion and found out that metta is how to skillfully handle aversion. Huh.

Prepared for Thursday's Yang/Yin class by doing some flow sequences and then yin poses. Explored the "leaning mind" in postures with long holds. Even the body, unconsciously, leans out of the sensation. Explored the relationship between breath awareness and the ability to "sit with" experience as it unfolds.

Seemingly unrelated yet relevant side note: Sick kitty managed to climb onto the bed last night and (of course) proceeded to urinate on the blankets. Had to use the meditation blanket on the bed so as to not freeze our buns off.

Preparing for savasana, asked Sandi to retrieve the meditation blanket for me (she's the best). She came over, covered me with the blanket, did a really nice savasana adjustment, and then went back to playing Yoville on Facebook. Decided to stay in savasana for the metta meditation practice as a way of undoing the resistance (it totally worked!).

Awake. Aware of breath. Feeling the belly and chest move with the natural rhythm of breathing. Repeating the loving-kindness phrases - to myself, Sandi, Mom, Pets, Neutral people. Took my time - bringing the person/animal to mind, visualizing them, and then repeating the phrases. Pausing and feeling. Felt a heavy relaxation in the body, a sense of peace and well-being.


1 comment:

Flit Ulrik said...

I don't know how great my adjustments are, but I felt that you deserved something special. *warm blanket deprived snuggles*