10 December 2009

Time: 8:03am
What: 25 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 16 - 20 (Sati-)

Patience is a virtue - or so I'm told. Patience has been in short supply in my household these past few days. Or perhaps patience has been tested quite rigorously these past few days...

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the wife has to leave for work earlier than I. This leaves me responsible for feeding the sick cat and entertaining the puppy - while, of course, practicing as usually scheduled. This morning's practice was disrupted every couple of minutes to respond to distressed cat cries, followed by puppy chewing on fingers and hair, and then puppy walking on my face during savasana. Much different savasana experience from yesterday, that's for sure! I could feel the edge of patience. Walking it like a tight-rope. Feeling the emotions, thoughts, and physical response to the challenge of persistent disruption, pain (she has some seriously sharp teeth), and frustration.

Seated practice was much more peaceful. Though I set the alarm for the incorrect time and spent some time distracted by the timing of the sit. Swept around by a heavy current of thinking - class planning, work... I don't even remember. Interesting how thoughts can seem so significant and yet 5-minutes later you can't even remember what they are. How significant can they be, really?

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