22 October 2009

Time: 8:04am
What: 25 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Third Foundation / Exercises 9 - 12 (Ana-)

Played with bringing awareness to thoughts/thinking without immediately needing it to be different. Also, experimented with bringing attention to both the thinking and the actual awareness itself. Realized that noticing mental formations as mental formations seems fairly straight-forward for thoughts and even some emotions. However, elements of mental formations (i.e. awareness, judgment, deeper emotion) can seem like an identity. I am sad. I am judging. I am aware of [mental formation].

1 comment:

poep sa frank jude said...

Wonderful discernment shown here. Now, investigate the mental formation (the "I am" conceit). "What am I?" Keep asking, gently, pervasively.
