23 November 2009

22 NOVEMBER 2009

Time: 12:36pm
What: 1-hour asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 13 - 16 (Ana-)

Took a couple days off from practicing. Friday due to busyness. Saturday due to lethargy and plain ol' laziness. Practicing on Sunday was... full of self-made suffering. Chose to do an active 1-hour vinyasa practice (found here) focused on balancing - handstand, balancing poses such as Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana, etc. Let's pause a moment to note that when practicing Ashtanga Primary Series, Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana was the BANE of my existence. Now imagine a focus on this pose and others similar, not having practiced in a couple days, body sore, feeling tired, dog howling, girlfriend fussing, cats scurrying... Oh, the madness! Internal torture and drama (all the thoughts, feelings, etc) were mirrored by the external fussing about and noise.

Good thing I can watch an experience with compassion, friendliness and a sense of humour. Oh, mindfulness practice!

Seated practice was peaceful. Felt a sense of heavy ease... yum.

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