18 November 2009

Time: 8:03am
What: 30 minutes asana / 20 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 13 - 16 (Ana-)

Again, did a quieter, slower, more restorative asana practice. Response to the body feeling low-energy, sore, and fatigued. Had the thought "Does this make me lazy or a bad yoga teacher?". Oh judgment, how frequently you visit.

Sitting this morning with puppy upset in her kennel / "time-out". Originally sat down with puppy chewing on fingers, blanket, mat, taking her bed apartment, etc. Radio/alarm went off. Little bit of chaos. Decided to turn the alarm off, put puppy in kennel, and start over.

Touch of mind wandering. Class planning. Song snippets. Review. Day dreaming. Breath. Sounds. Feeling the body. Aware of the parts of the body. Thinking about the theory behind the Fourth Foundation...

Hilarious how the mind/body so desperately wants out of the last few minutes of sitting. As though it could kill. Unbearable! (Not really... I think exaggeration is the mind's forte).

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