30 November 2009

Time: 8:16am
What: 25 minutes asana / 15 minutes seated meditation
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 13 - 16 (Ana-)

Practiced hip openers and metta meditation. Felt distinct aversion to practicing loving-kindness meditation. Not for any discernible reason. Just aversion (the hip openers though, those were juicy).

Moved from sending loving-kindness to myself to those nearest and dearest. Transition from self to others was interesting... The dynamics and "issues" of the various (three in particular) relationships came to the surface. As though having fought or been "done wrong" by your loved ones means they don't deserve loving-kindness. Repeated phrases with the rhythm of the breath. Paused at the end of each phrase to feel the residue of the words.

Did metta meditation for ten minutes, and then sat quietly simply feeling the breath and the present-time experience (body, emotions, mental formations). Ended meditation early: 1) because the puppy started chewing on my fingers/blanket/socks/etc, and 2) likely due to the subtle aversion that was still lingering around like a strong fart (I said it).

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