13 December 2009

Time: 2:09pm (12 DEC)
What: 40 minutes asana / 15 minutes seated practice
Focus: Fourth Foundation / Exercises 16 - 20 (Sati-)

I don't know what to say...

Seated practice was distracted. Moments of chatting (for realz... what up with that?). Ended early. Had difficulty getting into the "groove" of sitting. Asana was easier to sink into... giving the mind-body a distraction or (better worded) a strong focus.

After much stress, money, and (most importantly) care, our kitty passed away. Got a call from a distressed girlfriend on my way to teaching a restorative class. Friends were called, arrangements made, and I came home to tears, wine, Harry Potter, and a bunch of girls on my couch. I've never grieved over a pet before... It's an interesting experience. Sad for the loss of the snuggley fur baby and a little bit relieved at not having to force feed and struggle over an unhealthy cat. Nothing you're "supposed" to feel. Observing the relationship between the situation, the people, their emotions, and my internal response....

1 comment:

poep sa frank jude said...

Ah, feelings are simply what they are. What's a "supposed to feel" feeling? (Answer: a mental formation!)

Sending you much love and condolences.