"The adventures of a girl in life..." says the subtitle of this blog. From the date stamp of my last post, it would be appear that life has been less adventurous than usual.
Perhaps this shall be a commitment to sit on a cushion, pick up a book (that is about practice versus the life and times of Margaret Cho), and blog at least once per week. Maybe. Or it may be just a reminder that, like this blog, Betty & Pansy are still around. Who are those two anyways?
The wife and I watched the new release of 'Karate Kid'. Jackie Chan, the unexpected (to himself, not to the audience) Kung Fu Master, began to discuss the merits of stillness to his somewhat indignant student.
Being still and doing nothing are two different things.
How frequently do you integrate stillness into your regular routine? If you are still, do you consider yourself as 'doing nothing'? Do you find busyness or movement to be of more value than stillness?
Food for thought.
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras says that yoga is experienced by stilling the fluctuations of the mind (I:2 yogash chitta vritti nirodha). And through practice, we learn that stilling the heart/mind is deeply related to the movement of breath and body. I like to summarize this sutra in this way: wholeness is experienced through stillness. Mmmmm...
Everything is Kung fu
except I still don't understand who Betty and Pansy are?
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